Student Employee of the Year Award

National Student Employment Week was organized in 1989 by the National Student Employment Association (NSEA) to recognize the invaluable contributions student workers make to our workforce. Student employees provide the support, creativity, and enthusiasm that aids in the operation of our communities and businesses. Colleges and universities across the nation have continued to celebrate National Student Employment Week each year during the second week in April. Each institution hosts unique events on their campus to celebrate student workers and the National Student Employment Association initiates recognition on both the regional and national level.

Career Discovery and Success is hosting this year’s celebration with a week of exciting events. Below is a list of this year’s events. Please consider joining us in celebrating the hard work of our exceptional students!

auburn university student employee of year - person hosting a tour


Every year, Career Discovery and Success celebrates students who balance work with their studies and acknowledges exceptional student employers and supervisors. Nominees receive invitations to the awards dinner, where the winners are announced during the ceremony.

Each Spring, the National Student Employment Association coordinates a selection process and chooses the National Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) to recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who work while attending college. Nominations begin at the institutional level and advance to National levels.

All students nominated will be automatically nominated for Student Employee of the Year. In addition to the Student Employee of the Year award, the National Student Employment Association will be recognizing a student in the following categories. 

  • Overall Undergraduate Student Employee of the Year (On-Campus Student Employee of the Year)
  • Off-Campus Student Employee of the Year
  • Graduate Student Employee of the Year
  • Competency Awards:
    • Community Service
    • Leadership
    • Technology & Innovation
    • Critical Thinking

Supervisors are asked to submit a nomination for their student worker highlighting the student’s accomplishments, abilities, and contributions as well as how the student exhibits the NACE Career Readiness Competencies.

Auburn University departments, colleges or offices, local area businesses, and private duty employers can nominate students. Nominations are limited to one submission per nominator. The nominator must directly supervise the student employee.

Nominated students must:

  • Be current students in good standing
  • Be enrolled during the Spring 2025 semester
  • Be employed on or off campus
  • Be in an undergraduate program or graduate student

Teaching Assistants are eligible for all on-campus awards, with the exception of the Graduate Award.



Supervisors play an important role in the success of student employment. In recognition of this important role, students are given the opportunity to nominate individuals and employers for the following awards:

  • On-Campus Supervisor of the Year
  • Off-Campus Supervisor of the Year

Each of these categories play a significant role in the career development of students. Nominations may be submitted by a student employee, colleague, or community member who is knowledgeable of the nominee’s supervisory skills or professional development impact. For each category, nominations are limited to one submission per nominator.

Nominated supervisors must:
Must be a current, direct supervisor of an on-campus or off-campus student employee(s).


2024 Student Employment Award Winners

Contact & Location


Career Discovery and Success
Mary Martin Hall
Auburn, AL 38649

Career Service Hours

Day of the week
Daily Hours Drop-In Hours
Monday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wednesday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Friday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Campus Career Closet Hours: Monday - Friday by appointment only.  Schedule an Appointment

Headshot Booth: Located in Auburn University Bookstore.  Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm